Rabu, 26 Juli 2017


“I know that I should be happy for you, and I should just want you to be happy even if it's not with me, but still I can’t get myself to tell you “I’m happy for you” and truly mean it because the truth is, I’m not.

I’m not happy for you, because I want you to be with me, I want to be the one to make you happy. And I know that's selfish but thats only because I love you so much. and I know, if you truly love someone you’re supposed to only want them to be happy but I can’t look at you with her and genuinely be happy for you because I know that I could be better for you, and It just breaks my fucking heart.

It hurts so much to see you with someone else, I don’t want you with no one else and I know thats selfish. God just saying it out loud makes me feel like such a bad person, and I know its being possessive but I wasn’t the one who promised I’d be here forever first. I wasn’t the one who fell in love with you first and it's so unfair because you are not here anymore, forever barely lasted a minute. and now I’m the one whose still in love with you. I’m the one whose still here while you found someone else.

And I want to say that seeing you smile makes me happy and that seeing you with her makes me wish you the best but I can’t because it doesn’t. It just makes me feel like I never meant a damn thing and it makes me feel like such a bad person but I hate her. I hate you. I’m just so damn bitter about all of it. Seeing you happy without me only breaks me into a million pieces, it only makes me feel worse.

So I’m sorry, I wish you the best, I really do. I just thinks its going to take a while before I can acknowledge that maybe its not me.

Because right now, all I feel is hurt and hate so I’m sorry that I can’t be happy for you, I’m sorry that I can’t feel love anymore but you took that away the minute you left me." - AIN-